angling on

This morning I received emails from two Angled students, sharing photos of their finished or nearly-finished Indian Blanket quilt tops. How fun, especially since I’m also working on my Indian Blanket quilt today! Let me show you my progress!


This particular Angled course quilt is made up of equilateral triangles in a playful layout. It’s the first quilt in our online course because it’s actually pretty easy to sew. This allows students to focus on putting into practice what they’ve learned about cutting angles and sewing correctly in order to preserve points.

Chain piecing. Stitched in Color.jpg

In my course, I teach students how to use the “dogears” on points to contribute to proper fabric placement. As a bonus, it means they don’t have to chopped out of the way. Chain piecing and batch pressing also work well here! If you’re interested in refining and developing your angled patchwork sewing skills, now’s the time to join our course! It’s self-paced and open for access through July 31st - plenty of time! You can read more about Angled course or get started now.

My quilt came together rather fast since my color palette inspiration was so well-defined. The gingham makes me happy as a background fabric. It’s unexpected, but somehow still light and sweet. Combined with the pastel colors, this quilt is just the antidote to February blahs.

Skylight Design Wall. Stitched in Color.jpg

Now I’m ready to make the backing. I’ve pulled a bunch of color-coordinating fat quarters and bigger scraps to piece together. I usually lay these out over the quilt top itself, on my floor, so that I can make sure the backing is bigger than the quilt top in just the right way.

Patchwork Quilt Back layout. Stitched in Color.jpg

It’s time to press and join all these fabrics. With any luck, it’ll get quilted this weekend!

Wishing you a good one!