Bold Monochrome: a mosaic contest
Slow down a minute, my friend, and ponder with me in color.
What is the essence of red? How does green make you feel? What does blue say to you? Each classic hue has its own personality, a unique energy. Without the interplay of other colors to soften the edges and blur the mood, each hue tells its heart story.
Monochromatic is simple, strong and pure. It requires focus, the restraint of sure intention and considered choices. The reward? Confidence. Clarity. Yes, I have hit my mark! Even among many tints and shades of your chosen color, its core energy emerges true.
Outfit, butterflies, sunflower, room.
When you add black to the monochromatic mix, it emphasizes and energizes your hue all the more. Black makes color pop, surge and sharpen. The other neutrals create space. Black makes monochrome bold.
As quilters we so often take our color cues from multi-color inspiration. This time, tap into one classic hue: red, orange, yellow, green, blue or purple. Which color claims your heart today?
This mosaic contest is now closed.