Angled Course - Self-Paced + On Sale Now

Are you ready to stretch and grow? Would you like to take your patchwork piecing to the next level, a place with pointier points, fascinating shapes and the confidence even to design your own quilts with triangles, diamonds and angles galore?

Angled Course is here for you, self-paced and full of rich content to explore in new year. Enroll now and start when the time is right!

This online class, perfect for the confident beginner or intermediate quilter, has 3 main elements:

  • {Piecing Skills} learn to accurately piece ANY angle, from classics like the diamond to compound angular blocks, and truly any random triangle shape

  • {Design Skills} understand how to incorporate equilateral triangles, diamonds, half square triangles and flying geese into your own original quilts

  • {Scrappy Skills} enjoy using triangular scraps from our projects in playful, liberated quilt blocks

Tangential Quilt, Angled Course

Tangential Quilt, Angled Course

Self-Paced Delivery!

Angled course is delivered via email, as PDF downloads. There are three different modules which can be approached one at at time or in combination. You set the pace.

Are you an eager beaver? You can speed along at 4 lessons a week and complete Angled in just 7 weeks. Maybe 1-2 lessons a week sounds more doable? In that case, Angled provides 4 months of bite-sized learning. Or, maybe you prefer to make all the projects, say about 1 quilt per month? You can stretch this class a mighty 6 months!

Use all the time you need from enrollment to July 31, 2019 to access the self-paced content. At the end of the course, you’ll receive Angled as a comprehensive 228 page PDF coursebook, ideal for your permanent library.

Gain confidence, Explore new possibilities + Sew yourself happy

This is a class for all quilters. It's for developing quilters, ready to stretch their wings beyond the basics.  It's for more experienced quilters, interested in expressing themselves in original designs or curious about liberated piecing.  It's for all lovers of traditional quilt blocks, young and old.  And I hope it will be for you!


Angled Includes

  • 5 original quilt patterns (4 throw quilts, 1 queen-sized quilt)

  • 5 liberated, scrap-utilizing blocks

  • Design/sewing labs for Equilateral Triangles, Diamonds, Flying Geese, Half Square Triangles and Multi-Angle blocks

  • Delivered in bite-sized PDF’s via customizable schedule

  • Delivered as a comprehensive 228 page PDF Coursebook for your permanent library

Angled Coursebook

Here are some links, if you’d like take a close look at the quilts of Angled Class

Indian Blanket - a playful study in equilateral triangles.

Emerge - a really, truly easy lonestar quilt composed of 45 degree diamonds.

Starbright - an entirely machine pieced 6-point star, relying on a clever combination of triangles and diamonds

Cascade - at twist on the classic flying geese block

Tangential - a cumulative queen-sized quilt, utilizing all the skills we'll study during class! This is your chance to make a masterpiece for your bed, a fantastic surprise for your parent's anniversary or a very special wedding gift.

If you are interested in refining your relationship with angles, I hope you’ll join us.  You're sure to learn a bundle!