Registration Opens for Patchwork from Scrap!
Good morning! Today registration opens for the second and final 2016 offering of Patchwork from Scrap, an online class designed to help beginner and intermediate sewists get organized and inspired to sew with their scraps. Now that the kids are back in school, I hope you'll take some time to enjoy your hobby, while getting a jump start on holiday gifts with these scrappy projects!
This class was inspired by my local sewing friends - regular folk who sew the occasional pillow cover, tote or quilt. It's the Stitched in Color 101 they've often suggested to share my organizational skills, cutting/sewing habits and perspectives that support my creativity.

{Class Description}
After two weeks of practical, hands-on sewing theory, Patchwork from Scrap flows beautifully into three weeks of scrap sewing, including 9 projects big and small to cleverly utilize your scraps. Because, as it turns out, Scraps are patchwork. Or at least, they are at the root of so much of what I love about the patchwork art - making do, being resourceful, creating something out of what would otherwise be discarded; beauty from trash, whole blankets from trimmings.
Since this class has two main themes (sewing organization/habits and scrap sewing), you may be wondering... why? Well, it turns out that learning how to care for your fabrics, cut wisely, what scraps to keep vs. toss, how to sort and store your scraps, etc. are the foundation for happy scrappy sewing... and patchwork quilting in general. Newer sewists often feel stuck wondering how much fabric to buy, how to use what's left over, and how to use unloved or inherited fabrics. We want fabric economy - the joyful experience of not wasting and finding beautiful uses for what we have. But we also want our sewing to be lively and fresh. When you overcome these creative boundaries with scrap sewing, you'll be even more proud of what you've made and even more inspired to sew.
Creative resourcefulness drives my sewing. It energizes me and delivers delightful results. In Patchwork from Scrap, I hope to help you discover healthy habits and fresh perspectives so you can flourish as a patchworker, making practical and beautiful things from bits and pieces.
{Class Content}
::Week One:: Caring for Fabric from the ground up. Prewashing, Cutting, Organizing with an eye to eliminate waste and sewing inertia. Including practical assignments to help you move forward.
::Week Two:: Scraps. What's worth keeping, what's not and how to keep it all accessible and inviting. You'll developed personal scrap saving, sorting and storage systems to support you.

::Week Three:: Small Projects. Scrap Theory - Using Unloved Fabrics. Then three small projects using scraps of various sizes and types.
::Week Four:: Quilts. Scrap Theory - Harmonizing with Color. Then three quilt patterns using scraps of various sizes and types. We'll take a week "off" from new lessons after Quilt week to give you a bit of breathing room to work on those quilts!
::Week Five:: Crumbs. Scrap Theory - Raw Edge Applique. Then three projects based on using tiny "crumb" scraps in efficient ways.
Note: With each project I discuss fabric choices, including general guidelines to keep in mind or tips for recreating my look. The course also includes some videos, both technical and conversational.
{Class Details}
Patchwork from Scrap runs September 12th through October 20th.
The class includes a PDF eBook of the course for $55 now through September 4th. After early registration week, the regular price for this online course is $65.
I am also offering Camp, by popular request, for $85. This smaller, more intimate version is for folks who want lots of interaction, with the give and take encouragement you'd experience in a real in-person class. Camp is limited to 20 campers. We'll enjoy (5) live community chats, each an hour in length, plus a private Flickr group to help us keep up with our works-in-progress. And, campers who complete 1 project from each sewing week of class within 30 days of the last lesson will receive a little something handmade by me as a souvenir. I hope I get to make one for each of you!
Patchwork from Scrap is delivered via a password protected blog. I love this format because with a blog you have access to the class at any time and from anywhere, with an interactive format that allows me to publicly answer questions. Blog posts go up regularly as the class progresses. Students are also encouraged to use Flickr and/or Instagram to see what others are making, form friendships and ask questions of your fellow students in the discussion threads!
Your access to the class blog will remain open through November 19th, during which time I will continue answering questions live on the blog. After that date, the blog will be closed and you will no longer be able to login. This provides much-need motivation for us to get everything we can out of the class in real time, rather than leaving it open ended for "someday." Remember though, you'll have an eBook for your continued reference, so you can still enjoy any projects you missed!
{Please Join In}
When a sewist comes into scrap sewing for herself it's as if her world opens wider. She sees her fabrics, however limited, in new ways. She buys new fabrics with a keener eye for second-hand sewing opportunity. I think this is when she becomes a patchworker.
I hope you'll join us or maybe invite someone else to join who would benefit from a solid foundation in patchwork sewing. Thank you for the opportunity to teach from my passions! I feel incredibly lucky to share this space with you all and to share my gifts too.
Register Here for Patchwork from Scrap!
This class was inspired by my local sewing friends - regular folk who sew the occasional pillow cover, tote or quilt. It's the Stitched in Color 101 they've often suggested to share my organizational skills, cutting/sewing habits and perspectives that support my creativity.

{Class Description}
After two weeks of practical, hands-on sewing theory, Patchwork from Scrap flows beautifully into three weeks of scrap sewing, including 9 projects big and small to cleverly utilize your scraps. Because, as it turns out, Scraps are patchwork. Or at least, they are at the root of so much of what I love about the patchwork art - making do, being resourceful, creating something out of what would otherwise be discarded; beauty from trash, whole blankets from trimmings.

Since this class has two main themes (sewing organization/habits and scrap sewing), you may be wondering... why? Well, it turns out that learning how to care for your fabrics, cut wisely, what scraps to keep vs. toss, how to sort and store your scraps, etc. are the foundation for happy scrappy sewing... and patchwork quilting in general. Newer sewists often feel stuck wondering how much fabric to buy, how to use what's left over, and how to use unloved or inherited fabrics. We want fabric economy - the joyful experience of not wasting and finding beautiful uses for what we have. But we also want our sewing to be lively and fresh. When you overcome these creative boundaries with scrap sewing, you'll be even more proud of what you've made and even more inspired to sew.
Creative resourcefulness drives my sewing. It energizes me and delivers delightful results. In Patchwork from Scrap, I hope to help you discover healthy habits and fresh perspectives so you can flourish as a patchworker, making practical and beautiful things from bits and pieces.
{Class Content}
::Week One:: Caring for Fabric from the ground up. Prewashing, Cutting, Organizing with an eye to eliminate waste and sewing inertia. Including practical assignments to help you move forward.

::Week Two:: Scraps. What's worth keeping, what's not and how to keep it all accessible and inviting. You'll developed personal scrap saving, sorting and storage systems to support you.

::Week Three:: Small Projects. Scrap Theory - Using Unloved Fabrics. Then three small projects using scraps of various sizes and types.

::Week Four:: Quilts. Scrap Theory - Harmonizing with Color. Then three quilt patterns using scraps of various sizes and types. We'll take a week "off" from new lessons after Quilt week to give you a bit of breathing room to work on those quilts!

::Week Five:: Crumbs. Scrap Theory - Raw Edge Applique. Then three projects based on using tiny "crumb" scraps in efficient ways.

Note: With each project I discuss fabric choices, including general guidelines to keep in mind or tips for recreating my look. The course also includes some videos, both technical and conversational.
{Class Details}
Patchwork from Scrap runs September 12th through October 20th.
The class includes a PDF eBook of the course for $55 now through September 4th. After early registration week, the regular price for this online course is $65.
I am also offering Camp, by popular request, for $85. This smaller, more intimate version is for folks who want lots of interaction, with the give and take encouragement you'd experience in a real in-person class. Camp is limited to 20 campers. We'll enjoy (5) live community chats, each an hour in length, plus a private Flickr group to help us keep up with our works-in-progress. And, campers who complete 1 project from each sewing week of class within 30 days of the last lesson will receive a little something handmade by me as a souvenir. I hope I get to make one for each of you!

Patchwork from Scrap is delivered via a password protected blog. I love this format because with a blog you have access to the class at any time and from anywhere, with an interactive format that allows me to publicly answer questions. Blog posts go up regularly as the class progresses. Students are also encouraged to use Flickr and/or Instagram to see what others are making, form friendships and ask questions of your fellow students in the discussion threads!
Your access to the class blog will remain open through November 19th, during which time I will continue answering questions live on the blog. After that date, the blog will be closed and you will no longer be able to login. This provides much-need motivation for us to get everything we can out of the class in real time, rather than leaving it open ended for "someday." Remember though, you'll have an eBook for your continued reference, so you can still enjoy any projects you missed!

{Please Join In}
When a sewist comes into scrap sewing for herself it's as if her world opens wider. She sees her fabrics, however limited, in new ways. She buys new fabrics with a keener eye for second-hand sewing opportunity. I think this is when she becomes a patchworker.
I hope you'll join us or maybe invite someone else to join who would benefit from a solid foundation in patchwork sewing. Thank you for the opportunity to teach from my passions! I feel incredibly lucky to share this space with you all and to share my gifts too.
Register Here for Patchwork from Scrap!