making Lotus
Have you been making Lotus?

I pieced three more Lotus blocks in the past week, mostly while streaming episodes of Call the Midwife (I'm catching up after a long break). It's a lovely pair, the two. Though I am careful to watch Call the Midwife alone to make sure there are no barriers to a good cry. The show is always touching, but especially so now.... after Eleni.

I made these two blocks with some darker colors to add a touch of contrast to my quilt. The red block is my first experiment with allowing the circle to be lighter than the petal fabric. I think it didn't ruin the effect, even if it is less literally lotus.

But this is my favorite block of the batch, for sure. I do so love that Wanderer Sacred Seeds print and it pairs beautifully with this peachy solid. To bad I'm using up the last of it so soon!

I've just two more blocks to go! Do you like my cool melon colors? Especially with the addition of that dark green block, I see watermelon and cantaloupe coming out nicely. I daresay, it looks delicious. Hehe.
How go your lotus blocks?

I pieced three more Lotus blocks in the past week, mostly while streaming episodes of Call the Midwife (I'm catching up after a long break). It's a lovely pair, the two. Though I am careful to watch Call the Midwife alone to make sure there are no barriers to a good cry. The show is always touching, but especially so now.... after Eleni.

I made these two blocks with some darker colors to add a touch of contrast to my quilt. The red block is my first experiment with allowing the circle to be lighter than the petal fabric. I think it didn't ruin the effect, even if it is less literally lotus.

But this is my favorite block of the batch, for sure. I do so love that Wanderer Sacred Seeds print and it pairs beautifully with this peachy solid. To bad I'm using up the last of it so soon!

I've just two more blocks to go! Do you like my cool melon colors? Especially with the addition of that dark green block, I see watermelon and cantaloupe coming out nicely. I daresay, it looks delicious. Hehe.
How go your lotus blocks?