Vintage Rainbow: a mosaic contest
Slow down a minute, my friend, and ponder with me in color.

The vintage rainbow is not planed. One comes upon it by accident: a little of this, a little of that, like loss souls gathered together, the cast offs of days now past. A vintage rainbow is born from the bottom of paint cans, odd ends of yarn or patched together from the truest scraps, once dresses and tablecloths and curtains.

It's a collection of colors slightly faded, aged, with stories to tell and wisdom to share. The wisdom of enough. The wisdom of care, contentment and making do. The magic of beauty from ashes.

balloons, woman, apron tutorial by Wholly Kao, slippers by Where the Orchids Grow
With charm, just oodles of charm. Sweet aqua with red, floaty pastels and florals too.

paint colors, quilt by KnottyGnome, chairs, crochet squares by My Rose Valley
Or maybe it shows a spunkier side. Sometimes vintage rainbow stands out from the crowd, crafting its song from the chaos of clashy colors. She reclaims the rainbow from in color order with a casual grace that's only possible when the artist has the confidence to let go of all the rules, all expectations and live boldy straight from the heart.
This mosaic contest is now closed.