jump, jump

I definitely missed the first time Katie Jump Rope was released. It was "before my time", actually. Quilting wasn't even on my radar then! Over the years I've noticed the vivid fabrics and their happy-go-lucky vibe in other quilters' projects, so when I heard that Denyse Schmidt and FreeSpirit were re-releasing Katie Jump Rope, I decided I would jump on the opportunity (muhahahaha).
These are my picks from the 18 fabrics recently re-released. I used Ribbon Floral in Eleni's 9 month post because it's my favorite. But, I'm also a particular fan of the Mums print and of how the collection plays together.

This week I'm really enjoying cutting into it! Cutting is one of my favorite things. I'm starting a new quilt that features the Katie Jump Rope fabrics prominently with support from a rainbow of other Denyse Schmidt fabrics already in my stash.

And do you know that when I sorted through my stash to find DS prints I was surprised by how many I have? I think I have more by her than any other designer. She does have a knack for creating fabrics that work particularly well for patchwork. I like that they feel vintage-y, but modern all at once.

I'm cutting with a fancy curved ruler called the Quick Curve Ruler. I was pretty skeptical at first, but now I'm totally sold. More on that and the pattern later!
p.s. You can find Katie Jump Rope in stock at these fine fabric shops: The Intrepid Thread, Fabricworm, Fat Quarter Shop and in Canada at Mad About Patchwork.