Knit Challengers!

Ooooh, the fun part!   Although it's always super tough to choose just 4 challengers, it's so exciting to tell someone that they are ON for the challenge. 

Thanks for sharing your ideas for our Fabricworm Birch Organics Knit Challenge.  I'm not surprised that many of you just need a push to work with knits!  Do remember that there's a fair bit of luck to which ideas get chosen.  My only hard fast rule is to include both contestants I know (as in, I've seen them around the vastness that is blogland) and contestants whose spaces I had the pleasure of visiting for the first time through this process.

This time around I decided to go with a theme - selfish sewing!  Lots of us sew for others day in and day out.  I found a group of women who are eager to sew themselves a dress or skirt, if they could just get up the courage, find the time or the fabrics.  Let's support them as they make that leap!

Without further ado, our challengers are...

Megan of A little bit of my life, who would "This colorblock dress tutorial looks just about right - enough of an idea to get me started, but simple enough to build my skills and challenge myself at the same time. It would be especially cute in one of those fun Birch prints on the top and a beautiful solid on the bottom. (oh my! those solid colors have me swooning!) The trick will be choosing which ones."  You look like a go-getter, Megan.  Let's see it happen!

Dana of Waterpenny is our next challenger.  "I am wanting to get better at knits! I got a serger for Christmas and have only used it 3 times so I'm ready to go and finally having more time. I want to make a wrap style dress that I can nurse in (like the Yaletown Sewaholic pattern) or a new skirt like the Crescent skirt for summer since I hate shorts! And I'm so blahh with all my clothes after having a baby over the winter."   Well, Dana, if you can design and complete a quilt like your modified lone star below, I'm sure knits will be a piece of cake.

Miss Jennifer of in the Baumgarten is ready to conquer her knit-fear.  "For several months I have been dying to sew the Moneta but the knit-fear keeps holding me back. My greatest fear concerning knits has been that... I no longer have the fancy stretch stitches that I used to... But, I have also read on the Colette website about using a very long zig-zag as the stretch stitch.  Scary to think about, but it would open a whole new world of knit opportunities for me. I would be honored to sew a Moneta (maybe in one of the Nature prints) and report back on the trials and successes concerning this!"  Great!  It's always good to hear from the front lines about experimental stitch methods!  Jennifer was a brave and productive soul in Curves Class, so I don't doubt she'll come through for us here.

And last but not least, Amanda of Sewn Barefoot, whose comment helped me settle on a theme, "I would love to tackle a dress or skirt for myself! I've only dabbled in knits for the kiddos. I've never sewn clothes for myself, it's about time I did some selfish sewing." Here's your chance, Amanda!

And if you're thinking, "She totally should have picked me," you're probably right!  I'll try to pick you next time.  I'll also try to remember that we're due for another international challenge in the near future.  Good point.  

A great big thanks to Fabricworm for this fun challenge.  Have fun, challengers!  We can't wait to see what you cook up!!!

p.s.  The rest of us can save 15% off any order at Fabricworm through June with coupon code 15sew.  Knits, here we come!