Petal Path quilt finished

It's finished! Actually, I managed to finish it just in time for my shipping deadline last week. Phew! That's a huge weight off my shoulders. Do you like how it turned out?
Actually, it did come together in the way I had hoped. I like how the flowers meander down one side of the bed; the way the "background" surrounding them is visually complex, yet not as strong as the flowers; and the way the border adds a nice (and quick-to-sew) frame. It all worked out! It usually does. The key is to keep going!

My quickest quilting mode (continuous eights) suits this quilt perfectly, thank goodness. I made some simple hera markings to guide me and went at it! Honestly, I think the binding took as long as the quilting. Keep in mind, I machine bind!

Speaking of binding, I used a vivid Kona pink that totally matches the border fabric up close, but looks a bit bright when you step back. I think it works, but a lighter pink would have been better. That's something to keep in mind when you're working with a low volume border. Matching the literal color may not be as key as matching the color as it's perceived at a comfortable distance.

The border fabric, that pretty bird print and several other fabrics used here are by Heather Bailey, from her recent Up Parasol collection for FreeSpirit. This soft, girly look is going to be perfect for my little, little niece.

On the back, I did my usual mix up of large cuts I happened to have on hand. There's the rest of those birds and a yard of a Pretty Potent print by Anna Maria Horner. Sometimes, on the back of a bed quilt, anything goes.

And that's a wrap! This quilt and another for my nephew are already winging their way to family in California. I've enjoyed sewing for my nieces and nephews this year, but I'm ready for a season of sewing for my own little ones now.
On with the baby stuff. Hurrah!