how to make Little Strings of Cheer

My sewing table has been crowded lately with patient little fabric stacks, several corresponding to last week's "to make, to do." One morning I set out to craft a little string of cheer.

It's one of the simplest things I've ever sewn, but I'm quite charmed. Much thanks to Emily Moss for the inspiration! I tacked the bitty thing up in my dining room to soften that wall of frames. And then my husband picked me a posy of the last azalea blossoms (so sweet) which were happy to keep the bunting company.

There were enough extra flags leftover for a second string of cheer, which I've used to adorn the wall beside my writing desk. These are super easy and super quick. Don't resist!

1. Choose your very most favorite fabric bits and bobs. What better way to enjoy them?
2. Cut fabric flags ranging from 2" to 2.25" wide and 2.75" to 3.5" tall.
3. Choose your bunting string. I used baker's twine. Ribbon, regular string, pearl cotton thread... lots of things that would work as well!
4. Press fabric flags 1/2" toward the wrong side. Stitch at 3/8" from the folded edge to secure fold. If sewing with voile or lawn, use a fine needle, short stitch length and do not backstitch to maintain smooth raw edges.
5. Use a safety pin to string your flags in a pleasantly random order.
6. Arrange on your wall with washi tape and enjoy!