kitty at the Courthouse

I am a baaaaad girl, because I've only just now mailed my *January* blocks for Love Circle at do. Good Stitches. January definitely got away from me (Chai Rose Ikat quilt's don't make themselves) so I've been playing catch up lately, and it feels GOOD.
Ara Jane asked for Courthouse Steps in cool colors. Trying to balance out the already-made blocks in our bee's photo pool, I aimed for a cool purple block and a gray block. Both were definitely a stretch! I hardly own any cool purple and somehow also don't buy dark gray? Weird. I usually make my do. Good bee blocks solely from scraps, but for these babies I pulled out anything I could muster. Good thing I had just received some Botanics (YAY, more on that later!!) because it had some helpful dark grays.

To keep things tidy, I paper pieced. And guess whose pattern I used? None other than Daisy's at Ants to Sugar, who actually studied paper piecing with me in Penny Sampler class last year!!! How cool is that? Now she's making patterns. Awesome!

Strings always make such a mess! And this cat. Ok, this cat has a HUGE thing for my 2 work chairs. He's hilarious. He has to be in one, so if I push him off a chair (because I need to sew, darn it), he immediately goes to the other. And you have to push or fully pick him up, folks. This cat will not take a hint!
Last week I returned from getting lunch to find him curled up on the quilt on my computer chair. I pushed him off and started wrapping myself up in the quilt to sit down to work. He took the opportunity of that slight pause to settle right back into the computer chair, all innocent-like and serene. Really?

Anyways, I love him and he keeps my chairs warm for me. Ha! And here are those blocks. Off to Ara Jane at last.