Dowry + True Colors
Today it has been and will be raining all. day. long. But inside, happy things are making.

Tada! This serendipitous combo has my heart beating fast. The fabrics combine that great bouquet from Anna Maria Horner's new Dowry collection with her True Colors Sealing Wax print in peridot green. I adore that vintage green lace ribbon which has been kicking around in my drawer and am surprised how perfectly Anna Maria's feather ribbon ties things together with Essex in Natural in the background. (Yes, I will be sewing this with 1/2" seams!)
Sorry, just a little bit thrilled.

Meanwhile I am sewing up this version. These fabrics are all Dowry, with Essex red yarn-dyed linen. Oh, and both of these works-in-progress are for my next class. More details tomorrow....

As you can see, Dowry and True Colors have arrived in my sewing space! I actually requested some pieces from the kind folks at Freespirit, who graciously agreed to send some my way in exchange for my sharing in this space. Which of course I will do. Happily!
This print, called Flourish in Cherry, is so far my favorite Dowry cut. The colors are gorgeously rich and the design is pretty even cut up. I'd like to add the blue/green version to my stash soon.

I requested all three of this print, called Cracking Codes, figuring it would be the most versatile. After having seen the collection in person, I'm actually more drawn to many of the other prints more. The scale and colors in Anna Maria's collection this time is definitely hitting a chord with me this time. I think I'd use many of them over and over again. Even that Dowry Tangle in the background above, which I figured would be kind of limiting, is actually one I know I'll use. It's a nice scale with lots of negative space.

In the True Colors print, my favorite patterns are Sealing Wax (must get them all!) and this zigzag print called Going Up. Look how gorgeously these two pieces coordinate with Dowry!

But my favorite discovery is that Anna Maria has finally brought back that perfect rich sapphire blue from her wildly popular Good Folks collection in these two True Colors prints. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you! I definitely need to stock up on these beauties!