Quilt Happy

Some days this is how my patchwork makes me feel - quilt happy!

I'm really grateful, this time around, to have worked with a design wall. It made all the difference. Do you see the hexagons? They're mixed up here and there to add some visual confusion. All the better to keep the eye moving and the emotions engaged!
I've taken to calling this quilt "Unsettled," both after the movement and play in the colors, and after my "don't settle" post, which had a great deal of personal meaning.
In one of our photos, I held the quilt sideways at this random angle. When I saw the snapshot later on, it immediately brought to mind a recent pin:
Funny! The unplanned resemblance just adds to my happy! I'd still like to make a quilt more exactly like this pin, but the combo of wonky with precise (see how the points all meet up), has so far thwarted my quilt-making mind. I'd want the process to be mostly improvisational. In fact, I'm craving an improv quilt.
Thanks for joining me on this meandering, quilty path. I'm pretty darn sure there's a lot more quilt happy around the bend... for all of us. Smiles.