happy little Village

Guess what? Our bee blocks for Love circle of do. Good Stitches this month are supposed to be "happy houses" using whatever house templates we like. Well, it just so happens that this week Penny Sampler students are making the little Village block for our sampler. I fairly snatched at the chance to make along with them, to follow my own directions for once!

The Little Village block is one of the first I made for the Penny Sampler way back in early spring. My first version was very soft and "urban" feeling. What fun to pull out my brightest scraps and blue sky a la bee instructions!

Plus, I got to make my rooftops with freezer paper applique and attach them with sketch stitch - both different and better techniques than I used when I made my original block. I learned a lot (as always) designing that class!

So this happy little Village will be winging its way to Natalie soon. But first, I think some trees are on order?
p.s. my block is keeping company with a large painting by Gale Kaseguma called Jellybean Tree. It's due to come down so Aria can hang up her flag quilt instead. In fact, its just plain due to come down because I plan to give Aria's room a revamp soon, with her growing up and all. I'll be sad to see it go to eBay!