Clashy Bright: a mosaic contest
Slow down a minute, my friend, and ponder with me in color.

Sunshine. Clamoring voices - happy ones, bursting with excitement. Bright colors and fresh air. Little feet trip along a seashore, mamas and papas coming along behind, toting another bit of life, another shout, another smile.

umbrellas via Linda Harrison by Francis and Pantone colors by the Spotted Olive
In the summertime life runs along at a brisk and boisterous pace. And the colors of summer, clashy and bright, are a celebration of that life, crashing and colliding, stumbling upon beauty in serendipitous moments.

Or in quieter moments in cooler climates, where folks cling to joyful color on cloudy days.

triangle quilt by Ungtblod, rods by Selina Lake, yarn by Shannon at Luvinthemommyhood
Today let's celebrate the surprising discovery of beauty and harmony in the unexpected. Let's pay homage to how crayon box brights mixed with soft pastels and earthy nuanced hues can combine to become grandma's most lovely patchwork quilt.

rug via Anna Graham, brick wall via Dreamtime, Liberty fabrics by True Up
And lest you think this happens always by accident, let me assure you that there can be an underlying current to the madness. Some colors excluded. Others repeated in various shades of change.
Whether you must carefully nurture your bright, clashy delight or such things happen naturally for you, go boldly, feel lively and above all choose happily!
this Mosaic Contest is now closed.