on Stashing

Hey folks!  Thanks soooo much for celebrating with me on those curtains!  It's awesome when things fall into place so nicely, despite nerves and delays and such.  But I know I wouldn't be creating like this if it wasn't for all the great feedback and encouragement I get here.  I'm so grateful you're along for the ride.  Thanks a million!

stashings from Fresh Modern

Today I'm petting (and eventually putting away) this new stashing from my sponsor,

Fresh Modern Fabrics

on Etsy.  Alice is the woman behind the shop.  She takes


pictures, really inspiring and helpful stuff that pretty much transcends (for me) the need to shop in person.  She and I both seem to have a thing of

helpful fabrics

, so I'm often buying basics for my stash at Fresh Modern. 

helpful fabrics!

This time I focused on gray fabrics.  I often shop with a color in mind after noticing a shortage in my stash.  Gotta keep all the hues in stock, kind of like paints or pastels, right?

Actually, Alie of Alie Makes just interviewed me about stashing habits.  if you'd like to hear a bit about what makes me tick, sewing-wise, how I choose fabrics and what I'd recommend to someone working on building a stash, run along and see

the post

.  Here's a little teaser

-When did you first start sewing and quilting? Were there any influences as to why you started?

I started sewing in 2009, when I dusted off the boxes that had long stored my childhood collection of My Little Ponies, sold them and used the money to buy my first sewing machine and my first fabrics.  I still remember that grand purchase.  It was a huge lot of glorious fabric from 

Sew Love Fabrics

, including an almost-complete set of Anna Maria Horner's Good Folks collection.  In fact, I think Anna deserves a lot of credit for enticing me to take the leap!  I was also drawn in by bloggers and sewing books that painted such colorful possibilities.  About six months into "drip, drip" sewing I made my first quilt.  Since then it's been a rush, a river of making.

For the rest of the interview,

click on over

!  Thanks for having me, Alie.  I always welcome a chance to ramble on about fabric