Registration Open for HOMESCHOOL. handmade.
"Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in the wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference."
Robert Frost

artist unknown
If your road less traveled begins at home, then this lovely month of May is
just the perfect time
for you to make a start. Today registration opens
for HOMESCHOOL handmade at Stitched in Color! This two-week course will get you acquainted with all your options, while helping you discern the unique path that's all your own. I wish with all of my heart that your journey is sweet, rewarding and true. Class begins Monday, May 20th. And guess what? You're already ready.
Do you know what made me first consider homeschooling?
A friend.
And over the years I've seen other friends (not all, but several) decide to give this road less traveled a hesitant try. Not one of them has regretted it. I absolutely love helping people find their own way - their very own way - on this path, so when a Stitchy friend suggested I write a class, well... I couldn't resist. It turns out I have really a lot to say!
Like many big life decisions, learning about homeschooling tends to be incredibly overwhelming. There is so much out there to discover, process, categorize and consider. I've been in research mode for about 5 years and I can still while away endless hours online learning more. My goal here is to provide an easy-to-digest course that saves you time and energy, yet still gives you a generous taste of diverse options, so that you can go about the important task of choosing for yourself.
This class is designed for
anyone just thinking about homeschooling, wanting to understand it better and visualize how it works. It's even more ideal if you've decided to homeschool and are
kind of
starting or Not Starting Yet or turning around in circles, not quite sure if you're starting... or not. Ha! Yes, this class is a big sign that says, "please, Start Here".

And if you've already started and are feeling stalled, then this class is going to help you gain a fresh momentum by looking at all the choices you have. So often folks start out just buying regular old textbooks to recreate school at home. Ok, that can work, but is that
for your family? Is that really the way you want to do it? And, even if so, are you taking charge to make those resources work for your family or are you feeling a bit trapped? Time to get some fresh air.
How does class work?
HOMESCHOOL handmade is a two-week course delivered via a private blog interface (check out the screen shot below). Soon after you purchase your spot (
) you'll receive access by email to the HOMESCHOOL handmade blog. Class runs May 20 - May 31st. Each "school day" I'll be publishing bite-sized posts as well as an audio compilation of the day's lessons, so you can listen or read. You'll also have homework. Mmm-hm. To help you get the most out of class, I have a series of exercises designed to help you get your ideas, questions and "aha" moments onto paper so you can figure this thing out. At the end of class you'll receive the complete audio file as well as an eBook version of HOMESCHOOL handmade for your personal use. This course is packed with uber useful links, so you'll want that! I guess you don't have to take notes...

Your access to the blog will remain open throughout the month of June, during which time I will continue answering questions pertaining to the material I'm presenting. After June the blog will be closed and you will no longer be able to login, but you'll still have the audio file and eBook. This provides much-needed motivation for us to get everything we can out of the class in real time, rather than leaving it open ended for "someday."
As a special bonus, I am making myself available for private consulting to those who take HOMESCHOOL handmade. It's been a blast to write this course with the aim of creating a comprehensive introduction to homeschooling. But, homeschooling is such a vast topic and so personal that there's no way one course could answer every single question that's important to
. If you find yourself needing some personal support, I'll carve out time to consult by phone or Skype (your preference) in 30 or 60 minute sessions for an extra fee (based on a $50 per hour rate).

What's covered in HOMESCHOOL handmade?
So glad you asked! I'm a tidy thinker, so this course is divided into 5 segments. Some segments are longer than others, but still they're like 5 chapters each with one or more exercise each.
We're going to...
inpoint your
for considering homeschooling
et to know a bunch of diverse
homeschooling styles
ind a match between your
unique family
and the options
- go through
possibilities for all of the above, including shopping tips
nd finish by tackling
common concerns
that keep you up at night

Of all the segments, I think Your Family is the most important. This is where you can refine your vision of all that's possible in the big old world to understand what it would look like in your own home. Yep, that segment is longer than others!
At the close of each segment you'll also find a post about My Story as it relates to our focus. I hope that this vignette of my family's personal journey will add color and context to the entire story. Plus, it's fun!

Homeschooling is not for everyone, but if you're reading this far... it's probably for you. I'm excited to help you get started with all the stuff you need to make a strong, personalized homeschooling start. Please do join us at
. I can't wait for Monday!