Homeschool... questions please!
Psst... I have been working on something secretly. Oh, so quietly. Did you notice? And it's almost ready. Hurray!
"What's that?" you ask.

A homeschool class! Yes, a class for my online friends who are very interested in homeschooling, only a wee bit curious, totally wanting to make it happen now or anywhere on the spectrum. A class for all of you to help you get started, or at least figure out if it's right for your family. My two-week course is coming this May to a private blog near you, with an included Audio Version by yours truly for busy-mama listening ease. And journaling questions, prioritizing exercises, quizzes, a million-bajllion resource links... all the stuff you need to make a strong, personalized homeschooling start.
We're going to...
- pinpoint your motivations for considering homeschooling
- get to know a bunch of diverse homeschooling styles
- find a match between your unique family and the options
- and even go through curriculum possibilities for all of the above.
Towards the end of HOMESCHOOL handmade I want to tackle all your big, hairy homeschooling questions. You know, the reasons why you can't see it working (even though you wish it could!). More politely known as... "Common Concerns." That's because we've all been there. In fact, here's the list I personally faced once upon a time...
***Aren't homeschooling kids weird and socially-awkward? What about socialization?
***How on earth would I find the time? I'm already busy with a baby, working part-time, other important life-thingies....
***I don't think I could make such a huge commitment. What if we hate it? What if my kids don't learn anything? I don't want be responsible for their education.
***You don't understand, I need a break! How can anyone spend that much time alone with their kids? Sorry, but my kids would drive me c.r.a.z.y.
So, that's a good start, but I bet you have more. I don't want to miss something important to you, so please, do tell! Even if you're not going to be joining our little learning party, feel free to pipe up with your homeschooling questions. Because this one's true too...
Thanks for your help!
"What's that?" you ask.

A homeschool class! Yes, a class for my online friends who are very interested in homeschooling, only a wee bit curious, totally wanting to make it happen now or anywhere on the spectrum. A class for all of you to help you get started, or at least figure out if it's right for your family. My two-week course is coming this May to a private blog near you, with an included Audio Version by yours truly for busy-mama listening ease. And journaling questions, prioritizing exercises, quizzes, a million-bajllion resource links... all the stuff you need to make a strong, personalized homeschooling start.
We're going to...
- pinpoint your motivations for considering homeschooling
- get to know a bunch of diverse homeschooling styles
- find a match between your unique family and the options
- and even go through curriculum possibilities for all of the above.
Towards the end of HOMESCHOOL handmade I want to tackle all your big, hairy homeschooling questions. You know, the reasons why you can't see it working (even though you wish it could!). More politely known as... "Common Concerns." That's because we've all been there. In fact, here's the list I personally faced once upon a time...
***Aren't homeschooling kids weird and socially-awkward? What about socialization?
***How on earth would I find the time? I'm already busy with a baby, working part-time, other important life-thingies....
***I don't think I could make such a huge commitment. What if we hate it? What if my kids don't learn anything? I don't want be responsible for their education.
***You don't understand, I need a break! How can anyone spend that much time alone with their kids? Sorry, but my kids would drive me c.r.a.z.y.
So, that's a good start, but I bet you have more. I don't want to miss something important to you, so please, do tell! Even if you're not going to be joining our little learning party, feel free to pipe up with your homeschooling questions. Because this one's true too...
Thanks for your help!