
Oh, I hope you enjoyed the long holiday weekend!  What fun Christmas can be.  My brood wiled away the hours playing a good bit of Carcasonne (a new board game for us) and eating cookies.  I also found moments to make some scrappy rainbows.

making rainbows

Scraps are the BEST!  I'm looking forward to getting moving on a full-scale scrap indulgence. For now, these rainbows were a sweet treat.

AMH goodies!

Look, for Christmas Brandon gifted some Anna Maria Horner goodies!  I've been wanting to stitch those butterflies since they first appeared in Anna's header.  There's a road trip in my future, so I've got a date with this Fields Aflutter pattern!

After all the festivities, when I got home last night I had this undeniable urge to organize.  While Liam was in the bath I attacked his desk.  After tucking the kiddos in, I reordered their book shelf (which is kind of pointless, I admit).  That's when I figured I ought to put that tidy-up drive to good use doing some housekeeping on this blog. 

I decided to revamp my Projects page with a better layout and organization.  If you stop by the page (and I hope you will someday!), you'll find my finished projects divided into 9 different galleries.  Since Blogger only allows 20 "pages" I had to create 9 new blog posts for each gallery.  You may have noticed the deluge?

Sorry.  But, thankfully I won't ever need to do that again.  The galleries each represent 3 years of sewing, going all the way back to my first ever sewing projects.  Good times!

Oh, I also found some tutorial posts to add to my Tutorials page.  So, now that's all current, and one of my year-end tasks is complete.  I'm going to spend the rest of today preparing for class registration on January 1st.  Have a great day!