Mama's Bag

There was a good bit of retreat and regrouping with this particular improv project.  I really wanted the colors and fabrics to feel like "me", but also didn't want a super dark/all-saturated mix.  Over a couple of days, taking my time, this is where I've ended up.

Quilt-as-You-Go bag outer

This quilt-as-you-go block is 19" x 22", designed to become the outer of my new purse.  I've worn out my Patchwork Style quilted purse from constant use, and decided that something improv-style would be fun to wear.  The dense quilting makes a hard-wearing bag outer that needs no interfacing.

from Handmade Home

For the bag style, I'm taking inspiration from this "Mama's Bag" in Amanda  Blake Soule's Handmade Home.  Amanda's book was actually my first sewing book, and her blog lead me to the blogosphere.  It's cool to be making this project actually mine after years of admiration.

w.i.p. quilted bag

I know it's hard to tell, but I've put in four knife pleats towards center, as shown in the book, as well as a box pleat at center.  Plus, I also boxed the corners for more shaping.

what for Handles?

This is the "front", my favorite side.  Now I'll work on creating pockets and such to attach to the lining before assembly.  Meanwhile, what do you think about handles?  Amanda used felted wool handles in the book, which I may be able to dig up in some random color.  Or I could do patchwork handles, thin linen handles, or.?

Sometimes handles make a bag.  What would you do?