Handstitched Favorites

My very favorite thing about teaching Handstitched Class was seeing the beautiful projects emerging from students' nimble fingers.  Needlework and applique are ripe for customization.  These artists created so many totally unique spins on the projects - some left me wishing they were my own! 

So please let me present to you Handstitched eye candy for our mutual benefit and inspiration.  You can follow the links below any of my images to visit the artists responsible for these beauties!

Handstitched Favorites

Star Blossom English paper piecing

Handstitched Favorites

hexie jeans
Jess @ Stitched in Time

Handstitched Favorites

Handstitched Favorites
1. Chaletgirl13, 2. KazKitty, 3. Furbette, 4. Carol Quilts

Modern Medallion Finished Top!

Seriously, wow!  You can see more at the Stitched in Color flickr group.  I had so many "favorited" from that I couldn't even get them all in here, plus there were whole blocks of time when I completely overlooked favoriting.  I guess it's like pinning; it comes and go's in waves. 

I very much appreciate the emails I've received from folks interested in taking Handstitched in the future.  At the moment, I plan to offer both Handstitched and Curves class early 2013.  The classes will be offered simultaneously, so you'd have to choose one.  Of course, I'll always keep you updated with class details through Stitched in Color.  If you're planning to take Handstitched, you can sign up here to be notified by email in advance of class registration so that you're sure not to miss a thing.  And you can find that link anytime through my Online Classes page!

Thanks so much, friends!  Have a great weekend.  I'll have something fun to announce come Monday!