Ric Rac Rabbits Picnic Blanket
Remember this cute little bundle?

It's Ric Rac Rabbits in the slate colorway from Fabricworm. At first I thought - baby boy quilt! It has enough of a "boy" vibe without being the traditional colors. I still think it'd be great for a baby boy's room, but decided to make my bundle into a picnic blanket instead. Maybe it was the 4th of July that did me in? I see picnic-worthy, patriotic shades tempered with aqua (instead of true blue), sprinkled with slate gray and a touch of sage green. But spread out in a picnic blanket, it still has that vaguely red/white/blue vibe.

Do you like it? I do! My fat quarter bundle needed some stretching to become a large picnic blanket, so I alternated Ric Rac Rabbits prints with solids. I used the Fabricworm fat quarter bundle, plus 1/2 yard cuts of Kona Cadet, Kona Coral, Kona Olive, Essex Flax and Essex Medium Aqua. My solids don't all match exactly, for example the Kona Cadet is markedly darker than the slate gray in Marisa's prints. I like the extra contrast in value it adds!

Oh, and I also threw in 3 white squares, just for fun.

To make your own, cut squares to 8". Arrange 81 squares in a 9x9 grid. Make a backing the same size and sew right sides together. After turning right side out and edge stitching all the way around to finish/close the opening, then tie the quilt at intervals instead of machine quilting.

I've been tying with leftover bits of pearl cotton size 8 from my Handstitched projects! I love the way it leaves the blanket so flat and soft.
Here's hoping that someone (maybe with youngish kids?) gives this picnic blanket a home at the craft show. I for one couldn't resist the bunnies. I'm hoping someone else is just as weak!
That bundle also comes with the "Hold Onto Your Dreams" panel in slate. Oh my sweetness! It was perfect on the blanket back with various prints from my stash.
Including a few from the Creative Thursday debut collection - Meet the Gang! But, seriously can't get enough of the bunnies in a row. Seriously.

And, hey, I even remembered to put my label on the blanket tie! Not that it didn't involved a little back tracking...

So there's another picnic blanket all wrapped up! Without batting these big ole' blankets sure compact into a tidy little parcel. And my mom has just the coolest picnic basket that I can display a few with at market. Oooh, I'm looking forward to working on display. First though, off to make more items! Everyone have a wonderful weekend.

It's Ric Rac Rabbits in the slate colorway from Fabricworm. At first I thought - baby boy quilt! It has enough of a "boy" vibe without being the traditional colors. I still think it'd be great for a baby boy's room, but decided to make my bundle into a picnic blanket instead. Maybe it was the 4th of July that did me in? I see picnic-worthy, patriotic shades tempered with aqua (instead of true blue), sprinkled with slate gray and a touch of sage green. But spread out in a picnic blanket, it still has that vaguely red/white/blue vibe.

Do you like it? I do! My fat quarter bundle needed some stretching to become a large picnic blanket, so I alternated Ric Rac Rabbits prints with solids. I used the Fabricworm fat quarter bundle, plus 1/2 yard cuts of Kona Cadet, Kona Coral, Kona Olive, Essex Flax and Essex Medium Aqua. My solids don't all match exactly, for example the Kona Cadet is markedly darker than the slate gray in Marisa's prints. I like the extra contrast in value it adds!

Oh, and I also threw in 3 white squares, just for fun.

To make your own, cut squares to 8". Arrange 81 squares in a 9x9 grid. Make a backing the same size and sew right sides together. After turning right side out and edge stitching all the way around to finish/close the opening, then tie the quilt at intervals instead of machine quilting.

I've been tying with leftover bits of pearl cotton size 8 from my Handstitched projects! I love the way it leaves the blanket so flat and soft.
Here's hoping that someone (maybe with youngish kids?) gives this picnic blanket a home at the craft show. I for one couldn't resist the bunnies. I'm hoping someone else is just as weak!

That bundle also comes with the "Hold Onto Your Dreams" panel in slate. Oh my sweetness! It was perfect on the blanket back with various prints from my stash.

Including a few from the Creative Thursday debut collection - Meet the Gang! But, seriously can't get enough of the bunnies in a row. Seriously.

And, hey, I even remembered to put my label on the blanket tie! Not that it didn't involved a little back tracking...

So there's another picnic blanket all wrapped up! Without batting these big ole' blankets sure compact into a tidy little parcel. And my mom has just the coolest picnic basket that I can display a few with at market. Oooh, I'm looking forward to working on display. First though, off to make more items! Everyone have a wonderful weekend.