half a trip in England Swings

When I shared this work-in-progress last month, you all looked at it with fresh eyes and showed me that half a trip around the world was more interesting than a full revolution. I'd actually planned to do a traditional trip around the world layout. Even had all the pieces cut out! But, you're right. I love how the quilt looked just as I photographed it by that barn. Thanks for showing me! Too bad it was too small to stay that way.

At home I played around with my remaining 5.5" squares and settled on this layout to bring the quilt up to size. To keep a sense of unexpected, the largest trip around the world is incomplete. And I created a few more echos on the right side of the quilt. What makes the quilt work for me are the scattered solid red squares. That, and the fun, bright fabrics!

Most of these prints are England Swings by Rebekah Merle for Timeless Treasures. It's such a bright, true collection that reminded me of a good friend who grew up Massachussets. Do you feel the New England vibe?

I made this quilt for her family just to say "I love you", cause I do. Adding in the green Chinese Lantern Amy Butler fabric and aqua dandelion from Central Park made the color scheme feel fresh to me. Straight-line, diagonal quilting was oh-so-satisfying and lent a great texture to the back,

where I lined an Ikea 60" wide print with two rows of England Swings squares to bring things up to size.

I love that over-sized print. So dramatic! This side is truly my favorite.

And props to the red door too. I've always loved the looks of this church. Someday, I'll paint my door red.

So, this is my first Half a Trip Around the World quilt. Eventually I'll do it again, and make a true half like you smarties showed me.

This little stack of goodness is done, bound in Kona Red, washed and off to it's new home hopefully this week.
And, did you have a fun weekend? My time at the sewing machine was mostly relegated to hemming Brandon's work pants, so the real fun was celebrating Easter with friends and family.

We host an Easter egg hunt every year - this time for our small group. I did't miss an opportunity to put Beach Riot to use.

Check out Liam eating his favorite candy. Ok??? Let's pretend that I don't know there are more of those chocolates lonely in the cabinet this morning.