Loulouthi Tiles {Finished}

It does seem like ages ago when I first brought home a beautiful stack of Anna Maria Horner's Loulouthi quilting fabrics. Inspired by my favorite print, the oversized Summer Totem, and Anna Maria's pearl cotton thread sets, Geranium Wall and Reflecting Pool, I dreamed up a quilt design with large cuts and thin sashing which I dubbed Loulouthi Tiles.
In August I shared 3 free PDF downloads for the Loulouthi Tiles pattern in sizes ranging from baby to almost-queen. It's been fun to see finished Loulouthi Tiles quilts pop up at the Stitched in Color group, but all the time I felt a bit silly for not having finished mine. My finish has been a long time coming - first because I chose to hand quilt it and second because I wanted to enjoy the whole process. Last fall these pretty blossoms just didn't speak to me the way they do now, so I only picked up the hand quilting again sometime in January.
Goodness, just look at me blather on! The point is, this inviting stack of fabrics

has finally been transformed into this finished quilt!

It's definitely a large quilt, at 73" x 85". It just covers a full bed, which my mom happens to have

I think the quilt will live here at my mother's house until/if it ever sells. Because, while I so enjoyed making it, it never did have an intended home. That always bummed me out. I would have loved to make it to give a dear friend, but it was never a good fit in color/style.
This quilt is so, so pretty.

On my table its light, airiness contrasts so sharply with my dark, saturated style. It does feel like spring, most certainly! After much debate, I bound it in a lemon yellow Jennifer Paganelli print that speaks of the lightness and joy this quilt holds in my eyes.

The hand quilting is just simple straight lines throughout all of the sashing, with several rows of lines around each large tile block. I already miss relaxing needle in hand beneath this cozy quilt!

It's a nice, medium weight quilt with Warm & Natural batting. Oh, let's look at the back!

Green, very green! Actually, it's a springy green mixed with yellow that feels gloriously fresh with these prints. I deconstructed an unwanted duvet cover to use as the backing. How lucky was that! Cuttings from making the quilt top became rows on the back, with the hand quilting running hither and thither seemingly without pattern when viewed from the back.

Charming, don't you think? Sometimes I like it best from the back. I do that.

These photographs were taken at my mother's house. My house is not nearly so grand! I think hers makes a great backdrop for such a large and pretty quilt. She and I walk together every Thursday and the children play here all day while I do work on the computer. It's wonderful! I'm so thankful to have the support of my family and friends, you blog friends included!
I've heard some new voices declaring Loulouthi fabric love!