Stashings & Scrap Giveaway!

How was your weekend? I wonder if it was as lovely and warm as ours. In South Carolina, January feels a lot like April lately! My littles have been enjoying their Christmas gift - a pretty sweet tree house made by dad and grandpas. The weather is so balmy, I even washed my car. You might envy us now, but when summer comes and we're roasting, you'll be glad to be anywhere else!

Meanwhile, mama has been washing and drying and pressing fabric. Yessiree, my fabric ship has come in (times 4). And since I prefer to prewash all my goods in order to remove manufacturing chemicals and induce shrinkage, I've been spending some time tending these lovely new cloths so as to return order to our space. Here are some new faces bound to show up in my stitchings before long:

First up, Red and Aqua. Luckily Hawthorne Threads restocked that Timeless Treasures Crosshatch in Aqua that I used up in my Star Blossoms project. And look how much self-control I showed when shopping the Woodland Lecien collection? I'm seriously impressed I whittled it down to two prints. The Meet the Gang birdies round out my little stash enhancement. I'm actually putting some of these into action right now in a Curves Class project!

When I evaluated my stash, I decided to look for two-tone prints. These dots from My Minds Eye, So Sophie are right along those lines. I've also added the Lodge Lattice for a nice soft lavender and more of the Meet the Gang birds in teal, because I was out already. This shade of teal is akin to Kona Everglade. Love that color!

Have you all noticed Maude Asbury? These prints from her Kitchy Kitchen and Calypso lines were picked up at Hawthorne Threads. I don't know why she hadn't caught my eye before, but I'm really diggin this mod retro vibe. Even though my mom said, "not the veggie print" I had to. Just had to. It's my first "kitchen" print, OK? It's not like a have a problem. Even though I haven't figured on a project for it yet, I have a stack of fabrics including these cuties set aside. Cross fingers inspiration will strike soon.

I also stashed some simple prints like these by Michael Miller to balance out my extravagant, multi-color picks. That works, right?

But here's the motherload. Black. White. Ok, a little brown.. but mainly black and white! And TEXT. Yah! From left that's Metro Living Trellis, River Shine from Lark, Premium Prints Dandelion, French General Fa la la la, and Old Script from Michael Miller. Slay me now. The urge to throw these heavy contrast designs in with a rainbow of solids is going to come to fruition soon.
Well, as you can see, I feel quite strongly about my new stashings. I hope my ramblings did not bore you to pieces. To makeup for your patience, I do have a giveaway from my friend Brenda at Pink Castle Fabrics. Now, you should know that Brenda has a blog at Just A Bit Frayed. And, it so happens that she's teaching a scrappy quilt pattern in her Bust Yo Scraps Quilt Along which she just launched. Check out her gorgeous mockup:
So, there's another great option for your Scrap Attack quilt.... or quilts? Yes, I'm starting to think more than one might be in order! I'm totally inspired by all the action I already see in our Scrap Attack Flickr group. Those of you who have already started sewing get 2 gold stars!
But the giveaway! Brenda has a scrap pack for one lucky commenter. It's about 3 yards by weight of assorted goodies cut from Pink Castle Fabrics. And look at that - it's chock full of text. Isn't she an angel? Just comment to enter and I'll choose a winner on Wednesday afternoon.
Good luck!
*****Comments Closed*****
And the winner is Amy. I'm emailing you now, lucky lady!