Retro Flowers no. 2

I have another block for you! This Retro Flower is made up in Cathedrals from Anna Maria Horner's Good Folks collection with Kona white. It's almost my last of this now hard-to-find print, but as this quilt is mine to keep, I think it's well used.

Christina's Retro Flower block takes 12 small drunkard's path blocks, for which I'm using the Tabslot acrylic template set. It's so nice to have a hard ruler for cutting all of those tight curves! I find the piecing pretty painless, except for the portion where you join the mini blocks together with matching seams to make the petals. It's tricky to get the curve points to match sometimes and sometimes it goes together swimmingly. So, I go at it with seam ripper near at hand and try to have a flexible attitude.
Wait, my seam ripper is always near at hand! This weekend I sewed some pieces together without right sides together. For real!

I'm still really loving this block and have actually already made another which I'm saving for next week. In all of my curves class project testing and making, my brain is always going at full tilt. Is this project easy enough, hard enough, motivating enough, etc. etc? And then there's the constant picture-taking for tutorials and the nagging worry that I must get it all done by a specific deadline. It's nice to make this block to give myself a break just. following. directions. Ah, blessed directions! Love them sometimes!