Teacup Apron
I was surprised when my dear friend mentioned she'd love me to sew her an apron. Apron? I know they're cute and all, but I've never wanted one. And, I'm very comfortable with domesticity, so that's not it. Well, the thing is I nearly changed my mind when working with these fabrics...

From the left, these are Flora from Miscellany, a Garden Party dot by Anna Maria Horner, Kona Peony and Antique Flower from Miscellany. I love, love, LOVE them together! About halfway through I started thinking maybe I should keep this one and make her another? Because, the pattern was fun too! (It's from Sew Liberated

There were just a few pattern pieces to cut, as many of the shapes were rectangles with measurements given. I traced the pattern pieces with a water soluble pencil and cut them out with my rotary cutter. Nice and fast and smooth!
Does the cuteness kill you? To be honest, I wasn't sure I'd go to the trouble of adding the teacup to the left pocket, as per the pattern, but the rest was falling into place so nicely that I decided to give it a go. I used my favorite lightweight fusible, Steam-a-Seam Lite II, to fuse the pieces in place. The zigzag stitching on the edge of the applique pieces helps protect the raw edges, though I think fraying is kind of unlikely with a fusible on a piece that won't often get washed. Unless she really uses an apron? But, anyway, the making of this teacup was pure pleasure all the way down to the hand-stitched finishing touches. I especially adored putting that flower on the cup!

This pattern has quite a few gathers, and that part did slow me down. Sometimes gathering comes together like nothing; other times, my threads break and break. But, at least I love the finished result! My friend wanted something vintage-inspired. I don't hardly channel "vintage", but I think this counts.

Here's me trying to look cute, even though I don't feel it. It probably didn't help that I spent the weekend staring at the picture of the author's apron on that tall model! Anyhoo, I can definitely give this away now. Laurie's going to be a picture in it! I've decided to send it in advance. Maybe she'll wear it on Thanksgiving morning. Now that's when I'd wear an apron!
Postcript: I am so thankful for your honest feedback on my big idea kind of plans. I am glad to report that the curves class is most definitely coming this winter! I've worked up an outline and have started testing projects. If there are specific things you'd like to learn or specific quilt blocks you've struggled with, I welcome any of those suggestions. I already have a lot of projects and themes in the queue, but if it's something that strikes me, I'll see if I can add it in. Thanks friends!

From the left, these are Flora from Miscellany, a Garden Party dot by Anna Maria Horner, Kona Peony and Antique Flower from Miscellany. I love, love, LOVE them together! About halfway through I started thinking maybe I should keep this one and make her another? Because, the pattern was fun too! (It's from Sew Liberated

There were just a few pattern pieces to cut, as many of the shapes were rectangles with measurements given. I traced the pattern pieces with a water soluble pencil and cut them out with my rotary cutter. Nice and fast and smooth!
Does the cuteness kill you? To be honest, I wasn't sure I'd go to the trouble of adding the teacup to the left pocket, as per the pattern, but the rest was falling into place so nicely that I decided to give it a go. I used my favorite lightweight fusible, Steam-a-Seam Lite II, to fuse the pieces in place. The zigzag stitching on the edge of the applique pieces helps protect the raw edges, though I think fraying is kind of unlikely with a fusible on a piece that won't often get washed. Unless she really uses an apron? But, anyway, the making of this teacup was pure pleasure all the way down to the hand-stitched finishing touches. I especially adored putting that flower on the cup!

This pattern has quite a few gathers, and that part did slow me down. Sometimes gathering comes together like nothing; other times, my threads break and break. But, at least I love the finished result! My friend wanted something vintage-inspired. I don't hardly channel "vintage", but I think this counts.

Here's me trying to look cute, even though I don't feel it. It probably didn't help that I spent the weekend staring at the picture of the author's apron on that tall model! Anyhoo, I can definitely give this away now. Laurie's going to be a picture in it! I've decided to send it in advance. Maybe she'll wear it on Thanksgiving morning. Now that's when I'd wear an apron!
Postcript: I am so thankful for your honest feedback on my big idea kind of plans. I am glad to report that the curves class is most definitely coming this winter! I've worked up an outline and have started testing projects. If there are specific things you'd like to learn or specific quilt blocks you've struggled with, I welcome any of those suggestions. I already have a lot of projects and themes in the queue, but if it's something that strikes me, I'll see if I can add it in. Thanks friends!