What happens in between? In between posts, projects, one big idea and the next grand undertaking? The inbetweens are restful, exciting, pregnant with possibility. Right now I feel just so very in between. But this time it is a bit unsettling.
I need to talk to you about my book, my big ideas, but I feel like we should warm up with a trifle or two. Let's start with...
In between Posts
This weekend we celebrated Aria's 7th birthday, and like every mother I wished time would slow down by at least half. Seven is rather too close to ten. I would be glad to have many more children, so it is hard to see my only two grow up. On the other hand, she has grown into such a sweet, good-natured child that I live in gratitude for what I have today.

Oh sentimental moments!

Do you know what she wanted to do for her birthday party? A bike ride through some lovely paved trails of our local park. Leaves in their fall glory! Warm fall air! Surrounded by dear friends and family. It was a treat for us all.
In between Projects
At the moment I am in between quilts - still feeling "quilty" but awaiting some exciting new fabric! And since it is November after all, I figured it was as good a time as ever to start on Christmas gifts. Ahem. This pretty apron from Sew Liberated was my Saturday.

It's funny, when I bought yardage of Miscellany I knew I wanted to see it in clothes. I had thought clothes for me, but an apron for an old, old friend will do quite nicely instead (especially since it's actually happening, and I don't favor storing away fabric for projects that may never come to be). I'll have the finished pictures for you this week with more details!
In between Grand Undertakings
If you know me very well, you'll see that I like to make plans. Oh the plans I do make! Thinking big comes quite naturally to me, which I think is more of a gift than a danger. My daddy thinks big. Thanks, daddy.
Anyways, I was saying that I feel unsettled in between and that is precisely in this big-picture area. Will I make a book? I don't know. There are interested parties, but I fear that their offer(s) will not be right for me. And this is SO not a pompous statement. Book-making is not as lucrative as anyone thinks. Book-making is not so exclusive as anyone thinks. Book-making is more arduous than anyone thinks.
For us next year, 2012, is completely a numbers crunch. I am closing a chapter of my life by giving up/losing my "real" job and turning a page into unknown territory in which I try hold down the fort at Stitched in Color so that I can hold down the fort as a homeschooling mother in our blessing of a home. So, the point is that my time must be spent quite wisely. I have every intention of keeping up this blog and homeschooling and wearing whatever other hats Stitched in Color has to offer. Hats might include: book-writing, physical class-teaching, online class-teaching, pattern-writing or magazine-writing. Or, all of the above?
No. Not all of the above.
So I am in between. Trying to decide.. book or online class? Because, do you know that I could make as much money (or more) if I had 200 students take an online class with me than most sewists make writing a book? Seriously. Seriously! Of course, there is no way to know how many would take a class until you offer it. And there is no way to offer it and write a book. And time is a ticking. There are certain things I prefer about the online class format, namely being able to include as many step-by-step pictures as I like and being in complete control of the content. Yes, yes, yes!
So, I'm going to let you in on a big idea. I am thinking of offering a curves class after the new year. After all, that's the time of year that you usually pledge to master your curves, eh? Except this class would totally work, 100% guaranteed (wink, wink). It would take you from beginner (terrified of curves) to advanced (improv-piecing and precision-piecing), working through small home decor projects and finishing with some very cool quilts. And with each week's skill you would have a choice of 3 projects. Because we all love choices! This 5-week course would be delivered as a separate password-protected blog, so that it is interactive via comments, link-ups, etc. And, afterwords, you would receive the entire series of picture-laden tutorials and all 15 projects as a PDF e-book. Tada! Pricing at $35 per person. Beginning mid-January or early February. What do you think?
I'm thinking this would be a great way to get my feet wet with the online class format, plus I have been bursting with exciting curvy project ideas. The important thing is do you like it? Give it to me straight!
~ Rachel
who is musing inbetweens