Celebrate Color {Colour Palettes}

When what should I do but take a hop, skip and jump over the sea to my friend Emma Lamb and discover her Colour Palette post, a Celebrate Color special.
And, it's lovely. So, lovely that it heals me in a way. I feel washed and refreshed, like I've dived into a pool of color where it really does all make sense. I see my friends, new and old, in a Emma's "Earthy neutrals" and "Dark & cosy nights" and I see myself in those "Seasonal brights". And seeing yourself and seeing others, you understand so much more who you are, where you stand and the nature of the path set before you. It's a good feeling, connecting the dots. Maybe that's what I take most from The Sewing Summit - a sense of who I am, having now discovered anew who so many of you are.
I see myself here because it is warm and bright and happy. I see myself in the dancing hues, the colors so full of life, so unafraid of contrast. I see myself here as someone comfortable mixing with others. Welcoming new experiences, new seasons of life, discoveries around every corner. I see myself here living. Smiling. Laughing.
The room has come to a slow and wobbly stop. I think I'll go unpack now. When I come back, I would so love to find a note from you. Would you take a peak at Emma's colour palettes and tell me where you see yourself? And why? Or just a snippet about your colors? I do believe our colors reveal something elemental about our personalities. And every color story is a treasure.