Summer Sampler Week 1
Hey y'all. I had hoped to share this progress with you over the weekend, but the stomach bug struck me in 2 waves. I won't bare another day prone on the couch, so I'm muscling through this sitting up thing. Here goes...

So, here's the first block I shared, the Star of Virginia. What I didn't tell you last week is that I added a 3rd color after the fact. Bright, bold turquoise was calling out to me, and the concept seemed to make sense - magenta, mustard and cyan are lively versions of the primaries. But, I wasn't quite sure about my second block. Something just looked off. I figured when I made block 3, I'd see if the turquoise just needed company.

I wonder what you think?
For a mockup of the more limited color scheme, I simply lay half square triangles over the turquoise ones:

And although the decision forced unpicking and created orphan half square triangles (sniff), I felt compelled to return to simplicity. Chalk this up to "Rachel gets the limited color scheme." Which is something that rarely happens. Let's savor the moment.

Block 3 is my favorite so far. Konas are Cerise, Snow, Corn, and Pepper. Brandon even kind of likes it. Though, he says he'd like it more if I changed all the pieces to black. Hmph. (note: he took very good care of me yesterday. Quilt-hating husbands can be so sweet).

So, tell it to me straight - which color scheme do you prefer?

So, here's the first block I shared, the Star of Virginia. What I didn't tell you last week is that I added a 3rd color after the fact. Bright, bold turquoise was calling out to me, and the concept seemed to make sense - magenta, mustard and cyan are lively versions of the primaries. But, I wasn't quite sure about my second block. Something just looked off. I figured when I made block 3, I'd see if the turquoise just needed company.

I wonder what you think?
For a mockup of the more limited color scheme, I simply lay half square triangles over the turquoise ones:

And although the decision forced unpicking and created orphan half square triangles (sniff), I felt compelled to return to simplicity. Chalk this up to "Rachel gets the limited color scheme." Which is something that rarely happens. Let's savor the moment.

Block 3 is my favorite so far. Konas are Cerise, Snow, Corn, and Pepper. Brandon even kind of likes it. Though, he says he'd like it more if I changed all the pieces to black. Hmph. (note: he took very good care of me yesterday. Quilt-hating husbands can be so sweet).

So, tell it to me straight - which color scheme do you prefer?