granny style

So, you all might have noticed that the nightstands beside our bed were rather, um, empty?  As you can imagine, there's usually a bit more going on. In fact, there's always an obnoxiously-colored tissue box on my nightstand.  At the time of that photograph said tissue box was being transformed.

granny stripe, bit by bit

Mostly I felt silly doing this. As much as it sounded good in my head, actually crocheting a tissue box cover... Who does that?

In fact, I think a good many people do that. But, they may not use rainbows or share a room with a husband with such modern sensibilities. To his credit, Brandon said nothing.

Well, that's not entirely true.  At the end he said, "Is it removable?"  Which I think gives me about zero credit.  But, well, I think it is.  Let's cross that bridge later.

granny square crochet base

I built the base as a true granny square. My first. When it was big enough, I crocheted a few single crochet rows with decreases to force the square to turn inwards to make a cube. And then I built the granny stripe rainbow rows. Fun!

removable?  we think so.

To turn the edge at the top, lots more decreases and single crochet.

rainbow crochet tissue cover

And there you have it - a little spruced up tissue box, inspired by jenn of all trades' spruce-up challenge.  Very matchy, matchy, eh?  I'm still not 100% certain that I can carry off this granny-70's-rainbow-child cross, but here's for trying.  I buoy my confidence with images of dottie angel fabulousness.  I shall never be the vintage-granny-chic that is her, but I shall be reminded that granny can indeed be chic.


Question:  Is crochet always "granny"?  I mean, quilting isn't.  Knitting isn't.  But, crochet?  You know, crochet actually is famous for its "granny squares", so that might have something to do with it.  And, I do love grannies.  I so aspire to be one someday.  Lot's of granny love here.