Friday Winner

I hope you haven't been on edge waiting for me to post today's winner. I wish I could say that I spent the morning sewing, but instead I was roped into attending an all-morning kid's event with the family that had me up at the unearthly hour of 6:30 am. And though a little sunshine and pizza never hurt anyone, I'm glad to be home!

So, I just consulted with Mr. Random to ask one last favor this week. He was as tireless as ever, effortlessly declaring comment #239 to be our winner. Who should that be other than Ms. Melissa?  Congratulations my dear!  Thank-you all for your bundle love.  I felt that yesterday's bundle was a little different from my usual look, what with the black/white prints and text.  I'm so glad you liked it!  If it's high time you broke down and bought yourself a treat, you can still find it all bundled up at Fresh Squeezed Fabric (or if you find it marked "sold" just convo her.  She can probably set another one up for you lickety split).

Now I believe it's time for another Bottled Rainbow post.  Glad to have that direction since I feel I have so much to show you that I wouldn't know where to begin!  A few of you have asked me questions regarding joining and backing, so please keep an eye out for more info in my next post.  Off to work on that now!