Stashing Garden Party & Shot Cotton

Imagine waking to find that your dining room conspired to create this unintentional scene. I glanced across the table at 4 newly arrived fat quarters basking in the morning sun in a serendipity of harmonious color company. Good morning indeed!

From left to right we have: Sprout, Pea Soup, Aqua & Duck Egg all in Shot Cotton by Kaffe Fassett. These beauties were purchased for a bathroom-tile inspired shower curtain (which surely won't see cutting until the new year). They're my first shot cottons and from Glorious Color, who stocks a large selection.
As nice as they are, my heart really thrills for this stashing:

Beautiful fabric, how I love thee. The creative possibilities! I indulged in half to full yard cuts of these warm, saturated prints, mostly from Anna Maria Horner's Garden Party collection. Only the bottom left two fabrics differ - they're Anna's but from Good Folks and Little Folks instead. If you're hankering to join the party, the absolute best selection of this hard-to-find collection is right here. Drool.
Aria, Liam and I prewashed these today. Aria learned to wash laundry this weekend, so she loved the opportunity to run the machines all by herself. I showed Liam how to trim off the unraveling edges post-wash and then Aria did (some) ironing - all this why I pieced my current project. Now that's what I call a nice Sunday afternoon! Hope yours was blessed as well!