Announcing Blogger's Pillow Party!

I'm so glad to finally spill the beans!  Blogger's Pillow Party was inspired by rampant creativity running wild and taking hold in the shape of fabulous throw pillows of all kinds.  Have you seen them across blogland?  From the uber-popular Pillow Talk Swap to recent posts by some of my favorite bloggers, we're all getting inspired to spruce up our nests. 

For the first six months of 2011, I'll be hosting Blogger's Pillow Party each month at Stitched in Color.  I'll be making at least one pillow each month and practicing different skills like the invisible zipper, piping, crocheted covers, etc.  But, it wouldn't be a party all by myself, so you'll have to join in, ok?  Each month I'll choose 9 pillows from our Flickr pool to showcase on my blog. Soon we'll be blog-hopping through bloggy pillow land for inspiration all around.

And there's prizes - oh yes!  But not random prizes.  Nope, we have very special, honorable judges in fact to dole those babies out.  Each month our judge will choose her most favoritist pillow of all.  The winner will receive

1.  fabric (that's what we all want, of course) and

2.  the honor of the judge's affections - a post including a picture of the winning pillow on the judge's blog, with a link to the winner's blog.  Woohoo!

And, oh-my-goodness, do you know who's judging for January?!?!  Anna of Noodlehead, purveyor of the very fine Noodlehead gathered clutch tutorial, which landed at the very tippy top of my sewing "dream" list.  

So, please don't delay in dreaming up your most wonderful pillow creation.  We can't wait to see it become a reality.  A link to the party can be found up top in my main menu.  And at the main page you'll find the rules, our schedule of judges and a button for your blog, if desired.

Come join us at!