summer Stockings

I'll admit there is something quite odd about sewing stockings in summertime. In South Carolina we're already sweltering in 100 degree weather, punctuated with ferocious thunderstorms. Today's brought down branches all around the house. My finished photos were snapped in a brief lull between storms, when the sun peeked out just a bit.

I invited Aria and Liam to choose their favorite fabrics. Aria always loves a rich, vibrant red, so she chose the red snow contrasting boldly with the green stockings print. I like to think I subtly mellowed things out by crafting her stocking in zigzag stripes with some calmer green and red prints. Probably not. But the finished, quilted stocking is pleasing us both.

All my stockings are quilted, which makes this a great chance to use up those random batting bits. Here I'm drawing lines with my hera marker, which leaves creases on the fabric. I know I'm a broken record about this tool, but seriously, gotta have it. It's the quickest way I've found to mark quilting lines, hands down. And accurate to boot.

Liam chose the aqua snow. Basically, he wanted the least Christmas-y fabric, it seemed. So I paired his with Cotton & Steel Netorious in metallic cloud for sparkly perfection. The green and candy-striped stocking is Brandon's. Before I can make the other two stockings to round out our set, I need to find out the sex of this baby. Crossing fingers that's revealed on Monday! I'm nervous.

Today was my last day sewing in what has been my sewing space these last many years. My sewing space, which is also our entry room, is part of the remodel/addition, which means all of my furniture, books and fabric are about to be vomited into our living room, squeezed into all the cracks, swallowing all the wall space and settling in for a solid few months. But, BUT, after it's all done I'll have an enclosed sewing space for the first time ever! All the better for keeping little roving hands (hopefully) from rampaging my design wall. Yay.
Good News!
This stocking pattern is now available as part of my Trimmings Pattern Pack. Make stockings, an evergreen tree pillow and Christmas tree skirt to deck your halls this Christmas!