Clambake: Finishing

So.... any Clambake Quilt-alongers still in the building?
I knew our shindig might get a little lost along the way, but it seems it got entirely buried! Rest assured I have not forgotten, and indeed when I've spent any time at the machine lately, it's been in the company of this rainbow.

If you've made your clamshell quilt with my quilt-as-you-go technique, you'll be just about finished when you applique that last row of clams! You'll want to trim your quilt top along the marked lines on each side of your quilt and then across the bottom.

At the bottom, trim at the base of the curve, effectively changing that last row of "clamshells" into a semi-circle shape as shown. Last of all add binding, which encases all raw edges at the sides of the quilt!
How about you? If you're making a clamshell quilt, I hope yours is close to a finish. Let's share one final link party for Clamshell quilters on Monday. I'll bind my quilt over the weekend and have photos ready for you then! Happy sewing.