Storm Twinkle

May I present Storm Twinkle, aptly photographed on a stormy day! I asked my two buddies to brave the moisty misty weather for a photoshoot just now. Camera snapping and encouraging words flying, I got one decent shot, but then things went downhill fast...

For the height-challenged among us it's hard to hold up your end of the bargain. I wish I could say that no quilt tops were harmed in the making of these photographs, but we did have a close encounter with a bit of southern red clay. And, of course, it landed on the solid Kona Bone star, just where it could do the most damage. Soaking in spray-n-wash now, fingers crossed.

I mixed in quite a few solid stars by request of my little man. He had definite opinions on each and every fabric used. Stripes are good. Circles suspect. Text is out (gasp!). Solids rule.

Now I have two twin quilt tops, two packages of Warm & Plush and a great big cut of Doe Wide to back these babies. Time for some basting action! Basting at 7.5 months pregnant isn't the easiest thing known to (wo)man. Wish me luck!