{Flourish} a Marissa dress

Voila, my third Marissa dress! This excellent pattern by Sis Boom was my very first handsewn dress and remains my favorite. It has some special style details and really smart construction. I absolutely recommend it!

You can find the pattern (sizes 6 months to 12 years) and the fabric I used at Pink Chalk Fabrics. Or you could find the fabric... With Anna Maria Horner's Dowry collection on sale for $8.95, the Flourish print is now out of stock. Bummer. Dowry Dresden Bulbs would be a nice substitute or browse fabrics by Amy Butler for another large scale floral print or choose something more springy by Cori Dantini. I'm sure you can manage (wink!).

The Marissa dress pattern includes a lined bodice, but not a lined skirt. Each time I've made this dress, I've wanted a really full finish, so I add tulle and a muslin skirt lining to keep the tulle off her legs.

The dress finishes with a smooth lining if you follow the assembly order for attaching the skirt to the bodice that I detailed here. And I always use an invisible zipper too. It's what I'm used to!

My favorite thing about this version is the way the linear floral pattern gathers up into the skirt. It definitely emphasizes the twirly, girly skirt and pretty waist. Looking forward to seeing Aria in it on Sunday!
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!