
Once upon a time, I made a pillow. And it was a dear pillow, bringing much cheer and earning many admiring glances. But it was one of those pillows that made me shrink inside when someone (cue clueless male visitor) casually squashed it. All that crewel embroidery had been soooo time consuming, and wasn't all that durable.

I guess the pillow survived because my family gave it a wide berth. Still, it has seen better days. I had recycled an old pillow for the stuffing and not even made the cover removable. Ah, yes, back in the day! Now I always buy down pillow forms, which don't become lumpy and bumpy over time like synthetics.
It was time.

Snippity, snip, snip.

Stretch and staple.

Ta da!

Repurposed wall art in just the size I needed to fit my space. I used an affordable canvas from Dick Blick and my husband's staple gun. Pow!

And now it's out of reach of visiting behinds, he he!