Yesterday I had a moment, several actually, when my heart overflowed with wonder for human art. The world is a glorious, beautiful place; and then, somehow, creative souls add even more beauty - in music, in paintings, in dance, in color. It's far too wonderful to savor in one lifetime. That is sure.

I am in a pondering mood, but today I set out to do something really practical. I made quilted boxy pouches for my littles as Valentine's Day surprises. I chose fabrics that mean something for each child. For Aria, the two fabrics from her first mama-made Easter dress. And for Liam, some Ed Emberley prints he considers his own (I used them for his sleeping bag).

As I was making, the baby steps sparkled.

Do you notice the in betweens? It's one of the things that nourishes me about sewing, how the process can be as lovely as the goal.

And I am thankful, so very, to get to sew like this. Even if I do have lots of other things calling me today, I took a bit over an hour to make something with color and texture and function all of which feed by soul and become a blessing to someone else also!

Like last time, I did a simple, one-piece construction. My center prints were cut 8" x 10" and framed with 1.5" cut solid strips. The quilting is 1/4" apart. Boxed at 1" in from the corners. These finished boxy pouches are about 4" x 7", just about pencil box sized. I'm thinking to stuff them with fuzzy socks and a little candy for Valentine's Day.

Sometimes my mom or dad had little surprises for us. It always made me feel so special, on a day that's mostly about couples, that they had thought of us.
Ooh, I should hang my felt heart garland! It's time.