Curves Class *Update
Course Update
Curves Class is not currently being offered live. However, you can purchase the complete Curves Coursebook to access all the information, patterns and videos. Enjoy!
Goodness, there's so much going on around here, isn't there? Yes, it's that time of year for craftiness to run rampant. Or, actually, that's an all-year kind of thing, don't you agree? Certainly in a perfect world.

I have been bustling away in the background to prepare a very special online course for those of you who would like to master curves in the New Year. In the past you may have been intimidated by tight little curved seams, even downright petrified by curvy quilt blocks and more than a little skeptical that a curvy outlook could be in your stitchy future. That all ends now. No longer shall ye be limited to the straight edge. No longer shall ye look with fear upon that which inspires you...
Oh, whoops, I was just trying to give you a little update. I'm a tad bit excited.

So, as I was saying I have been working most diligently. Not just stitching away at prototypes and projects but also tackling the art of video-making. Errgh.
Which means I have been actually talking to the camera, yes, talking. Talking! And, demonstrating cutting and sewing takes one and two and three and eight. The videos are not so easy peasy to make my friends. But, behold, I am making progress!

Mostly I am holding out on you when it comes to showing the projects. So ruthless, I know. But this little mini asked very nicely to be shared in December, as it is designed for the holidays after all. "What, there's a Christmas project in the curves class?" I hear you ponder. Oh, definitely. Isn't February the most reasonable time to make Christmas decor? Really, who has the time in December?

And, besides, the Christmas tree is a most wonderful shape for exploring improv curves. You see, the "Oh Christmas Tree" mini is one of three projects you may choose to make during week 2 when we cover basic improv curved piecing. Now, you could make all three projects each week, but let's be realistic ya know? The goal of a class is to learn new techniques, not to make every single thing and run yourself into the ground trying. Oh, and you'll have access to the class a full 45 days after it concludes so you can go back then and make all the projects, if you like. How about a schedule sneak peak?
Week 1: Basic Curves
- Truly, really basic. So basic that you beginners are most welcome to join in. If you've sewn 3 or so projects (of any kind) you should have the basic sewing know-how to get a ton out of this class! And for those of you that are already comfy with the most simple curved sewing, I do have a "challenge" level project that first week to keep you on your toes.
Week 2: Basic Improv Curves
- Because this stuff needn't be hard. By the time you finish this week I think you'll be seeing a whole new world of curvy possibilities. All three of these projects are super fun to make. It's going to be hard to choose - you'll see! Yes, your enthusiasm is building and your confidence is running high so we'll continue on to...
Week 3: Precise Curves
- Let's tackle them head on. We'll start off with that curvy classic - the drunkard's path - and then move on to a mod curved block of my own creation. There's a fancy challenge project this week too. If you go that route, you'll know you can sew any curve darn well with precision.
Week 4: Advanced Improv Curves
- Yes, I'm partial to improv piecing. It's really fun and funky and makes for such an original creation. We'll learn some new techniques this week and what you can and cannot do with improv cutting. (Because knowing what you cannot do can really save some fabric, let me tell you.)
Week 5: Curvy Quilts
- It's time to create your masterpiece! The class will include detailed tutorials for two quilt designs, with links to my free tutorials for finishing your quilt (ie. basting, quilting, binding) at your leisure.
Class begins February 1st! The full details - including more info on projects, more project reveals and pricing for all three levels of class membership - will be announced January 1st. And take note that all who register for class during that first week of January will enjoy an early registration discount!

One thing I've learned from a mentor is that it's easy to undersell yourself out of enthusiasm for seeing everyone join in. When it comes down to it, putting together a course with so many original patterns and detailed tutorials and then adding to that new-to-me elements like video tutorials and a PDF ebook version accumulates into a very big project.
Now me, I like big projects. If only I had unlimited time! To balance my time invested with my desire to meet the diverse needs of those who'll want to take the course, I've settled on offering three versions of the class. All three classes will be offered in private blog formats so that we can interact and I can answer questions in the comments.
The super affordable version includes everything you're used to seeing from me in the way of detailed, step-by-step picture-packed tutorials and access to all projects. The "premium" version of the class will have extra helpful (and time-intensive) features like videos and the PDF-version of the course to take home. And then there will be a smaller, more exclusive class for folks that want it all, plus lots of interaction, more of a community feeling and the give and take encouragement you'd experience in a real in-person class. That last version, "Curves Camp", will be capped at 20 students (er, campers). We'll get to know each other via weekly live chats and there'll be special rewards for those who - Eep, I'd better keep some secrets to myself until January 1st. I think you get the idea! I hope that every single one of you who are interested in learning to sew curves will find a place that meets your needs and your budget.
Thank-you all for encouraging me in this exciting undertaking, friends. I'm so, so looking forward to taking a journey with you this February!
Course Update
Curves Class is not currently being offered live. However, you can purchase the complete Curves Coursebook to access all the information, patterns and videos. Enjoy!