Lyla's Banner
A very special little girl is turning two the day before my birthday. I so enjoyed making this name banner for her bedroom!

The letters were cut from an unwanted felted wool sweater and machine appliqued. I wonder if her mother will be able to place that sweater from our high school days.
The flowers at each end are adapted from Sandi Henderson’s Sewing Bits and Pieces. Although she used them for sachets, I knew immediately that I wanted to use them for a name banner. As per Sandi's directions, the petals are cut from wool felt and fused on the linen. From there the embroidery was pure play.
Don't you love Sandi's generous use of french knots? And, here's the other one. I added the little dragonfly since Lyla's room has a girly bug theme.
Happy Birthday, Lyla! A package is on its way to you this week.