always a Rainbow
Storms come and storms go. After the clouds of change blow through, even while the rain still fringes the view, the rainbow gathers. Can you see it hanging, just over your head? Look up, another rainbow is about to break through.
I created this quilt as I was navigating a very tumultuous and momentous transition in my life. It was a stormy, teary season; but also a time of shocking joy and soul-enlarging possibility. I sewed Rainbow Over Head floating on a dark background, so that the rainbow glows with contrast and hope and courage.
This quilt emerged from instinct. It effortlessly mirrored my heart and became a gift to someone who was a rainbow to me during that time. He said that the quilt was perfect, wonderful even. He said that I was wonderful, and I felt treasured for all the colors of my soul.
This spring I am returning to sew another Rainbow Over Head, but my spirit is so much brighter. Momentous transitions still abound; however, I know myself in a deeper way and can hold tight or let go with more grace.
Perhaps you find yourself in a storm as well? Perhaps your making is a way of catching colorful beams of joy and rest and courage? Perhaps you would like to sew your own Rainbow Over Head as a tactile process of hope?
I think you will and should and do, so I am making a pattern for this quilt.
The pattern has two versions: a baby quilt and a generous throw. I have just started sewing the baby version with bright, solid plusses on a low volume background. During our sew-along in March, I will sew another fantastic throw, again with scrappy plus shapes, because scraps are what I love the best!
You are cordially invited to look up. There’s a rainbow gathering just for you.