Stitched in Color

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Looking back, looking forward

Here we are on the cusp of a new decade. If I look over my shoulder, I can see the last ten years falling away behind me. The highs - children born, friends made, adventures won - and the lows - a child buried, ventures abandoned, disappointment and loss. It’s all a bit overwhelming, no? And yet there is something wise in taking the time to gather ourselves before plunging ahead.

In 2019 we took a fantastic risk and moved our family abroad, seeking a more peaceful and balanced life. Certainly Liam, Aria, Brandon and I will always remember this monumental marker of the year. We step forward into the new year without regret and with a good deal less uncertainty. It’s part of our story now. Wow.

In 2019 Stitched in Color took on even greater significance to our family, as we lean on it now as our single source of income. The big kids are well aware of our gamble and of the importance of my work while Brandon starts a new career at university. Has it been stressful? Of course. The longarm quilting business has a long way to go to meet our financial needs, so I’ve been working on other projects to protect the bottom line, like quilt patterns and the upcomming pattern club. So far, it’s all balancing out. A balancing act, indeed.

Do you know this blog is almost 10 years old? We’ll celebrate her anniversary March 2020. In the last decade, well, so much has happened in cyberspace amongst us creative people. I would have never guessed, in a million billion years, that this blog, which began as a way of getting my sewing “geek” out, could develop into such a wellspring of joy and possibility.

Not that it’s been a straight and smooth ride. Haha! There have been careening wrong turns and plenty of road bumps. The trick, if you’re wondering, is to keep at it - keep showing up with consistent and genuine effort.

I really think that’s the trick to life. If you can keep living, keep hoping, keep trying, there is always possibility that you’ll find your way to joy, love and healing. Night is as bad as you think it is. I don’t believe in sugar coating it. Real mistakes, real loss happens. Yes, it is terribly sad. But, as long as there is life, there is hope.

As long as there is more fabric, your greatest creation might be just around the bend!

In 2019 we sewed together quite a bit. It started with the Gypsy Wife Sew-Along, which kicked off the year. Seeing that sew-alongs were still alive in this Instagram age gave me the courage to host Drummer Boy Dresdens sew-along over the summer and Dear Dottie sew-along this fall.

I’m soooooo glad you still like to sew-along. Me too! Expect more to come.

In 2019 I collaborated with two Instagram friends, people who like to use Instagram more than long-form blogging. They helped me spread the word about my sew-alongs on IG, while I provided most all of the content through my blog. I think this was a break-through for me.

I’ve known from the start that IG wasn’t ever going to be my new home. And yet, Instagram reigns supreme as the meeting place for creatives online. I struggle with the medium, which seems perfectly designed to foster comparison, diminishing self-esteem and distraction. But I have to be there, so I am. Now I’d say that collaborating with IG “natives” is a sustainable way of swimming in those seas for a wordy blogger like me.

In 2020 my Instagram account will reach the 10,000 follower mark. I know that’s said to be a tipping point. Hmm, we’ll see. Recently I was surprised to realize that I reach more eyeballs through Instagram than through my blog. What’s interesting is that I receive emails on a weekly basis from readers overflowing with gratitude for my blog. People expressing how it changed their life or brought them together with others. People urging me to continue writing, creating patterns and classes and sharing my life from the heart.

Don’t worry, I’m not considering stoping! It’s just that no one has ever thanked me for my Instagram feed. Hahahaha! The thought is just funny. We know that blogs are a dying breed, and we love them. Here’s hoping that we can keep them alive as times change in the decade to come.

So what will 2020 hold for Stitched in Color?

First off, the Penny Sampler Pattern Club. I know you may have sworn off samplers, but I think this one might break the mold. It’s not boring. Expect different block styles and sizes and levels of difficulty. It’s not confusing. Directions are clear and logical! It’s not a bunch of individual blocks that are fun to make, but don’t make much of a statement as a whole. Know what I mean?

What else? Well, my book is finally shipping from Amazon into the USA in January 2020. Or so I have been told by many a friend and reader. So, I expect to celebrate The Quilter’s Field Guide to Color with a book hop and series of blog posts that dig into the material a bit. Yay!

I will continue to build my quilting business with EU clients near and far. I love longarm quilting! I’m also teaching improv at a Dutch quilt guild event this March. That’s intimidating! I hope to do a bit of traveling for business in Europe to promote my book and meet new longarm quilting customers. Fingers crossed.

In 2020 - so much more. Learn Dutch. Start up an English-speaking book club. Re-cultivate that home-y feeling. Help Aria settle into a new school and Liam develop his new friendships and Elora find her voice. Take a little trip with my husband. Maybe, get a cat?

Well, who knows, but whatever happens we’ll find out together. I’d love to hear what you look forward to in 2020, especially any creative aspirations you hold.

May this be a year with sparkle and warmth when we look back upon it one day.


Rachel Hauser