Nuanced Neon: a mosaic contest
Slow down a minute, my friend, and ponder with me in color...
Neon is bright. It's bold. It's s.a.t.u.r.a.t.e.d. Almost, but not quite, too much.
Full of pluck and personality, neon waves, "Hi!" It dances and sings, bright lights, center stage. Without trying, neon feels young. It's just what we need to push those chins up, smile and move on. To be hoping and expecting the best of tomorrow, today.
With a bit of nuance, neon grows up. Warm amber, soft ivory and dignified chocolate brown - neutrals temper neon's flame. I see a vibrant summer wedding. A soft, silky work of art. Neutrals are a natural way to slow down neon's ways.
books, doors, crochet, flowers
More tricky, more subtle, is neon with soft. Butter yellow interrupts neon's parade; soft sky blue blankets her march. More light, more white washes neon almost pastel. Eyes open wide to sparkling, joyful shades.
Or try baby pink, a little soft spring green. Smooth neon's rough edges with colors so gentle they all but disappear. See if, as by magic, neon becomes some quiet pretty thing!
This mosaic contest is now closed.