Stitched in Color

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This weekend I dumped out my pile of triangle scraps on a freshly cleaned work surface.  I'd decided to start a new quilt (eeee!) and I'd need my largest triangle scraps.  Up until now I'd been throwing all triangle scraps in one canyon in my bottommost scrap drawer.  That system was surely flawed given the conundrum I now faced.  Whatever large, useful-ish triangle scraps I owned were sunk in a see of tiny binding-making triangle crumbs.

my Triangle Legions

Above is a photo from December with my triangle legions pictures in the upper corner.  So, yeah, it's even worse now and seems to include fewer big triangles.  Dire straights.

The sorting commenced.  This time I bagged up all the binding-making triangles together. They are the same exact size (since I always cut my binding strips 2.5"), which is why I've felt compelled to keep them.  Other than that hourglass pillow, those tiny triangles have rarely seen use.  But... BUT I have a plan for them now.  Muahahaha.  It was only a matter of time.

triangle scraps

Meanwhile, I sorted for my largest scraps, making other types of triangle piles as well.  This is what happens, right?  More scraps necessitate more organization.  And then I organized my large triangles in color piles, and those piles into a color grid.  Ahhh...  Instantly more enticing.


When I was making the Penny Sampler, my first whirl block came out too small.  Since then it's been hanging by my pressing table to remind me of how civilized triangles can be.  My large triangle scraps definitely want to become whirl blocks.  "The also ought to be set on point," remarks the hanging whirl.

Tilt-a-whirl blocks

So, here is where we are this morning.  Yesterday our family had a happy, unexpected adventure which kept us away from the house all day (will fill you in tomorrow!).  As a result, not much progress yet, but some progress at least.  These scrappy whirl blocks are only finishing at 4", so I added the surrounding layer to bring each block to 6".  I'll call these tilt-a-whirl blocks since they set the whirl so happily on point.  I'm sure they already have some other name (do tell, if you know as I'm curious!) but I don't mind blithely re-naming blocks for my own personal enjoyment.  I've always thought of that center block as a whirl, not a windmill, so that's what is to me.  Hehe.  I'm just so liberated.

Hope you all had a nice weekend too.  Anyone else start a new quilt?