Stitched in Color

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One more Prize!

Can you believe it?  I forgot a prize!  Tsk, tsk.  Here's one more up for grabs for those that bring a quilt to the Festival of Strings...

Do you recognize those fabrics?  It's a new collection called Happy Go Lucky by Bonnie and Camille.  It's definitely happy, kind of summery fabrics with a vintage vibe.  In fact, wouldn't it be fun as a picnic blanket?

Well, Knotted Thread is giving away the entire 40 piece Fat Quarter bundle to one very lucky (and undoubtedly happy) winner.   Wowee!  That's 10 yards of fabric, folks!!!  U.S. entries only for this big shipment.

Thanks, Jennifer, for sharing such a very generous prize! 

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend (the looong weekend, here in the states).  Seems like time to do some fabric shopping... Have fun!

Update:  Remember, this prize is part of the Festival of Strings, so we are not giving it away in this post.  Please see that link for how to enter.  Thanks!