Stitched in Color

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you Silly

Sometimes lists are silly.  Like when you finally confront your little one's bare wrists and ankles protruding from his too-small pajamas, and instead of adding pajamas to "the list" you just pull out some flannel and start cutting.


Everything about making these was easy and make-do.  Flannel remnants on hand?  Check.  Pattern pieces already cut out?  Check.  Pattern directions actually make sense?  Oliver & S., so check, check (obviously).  Elastic for waistband on hand?  Uh, err, wait for it.  Sewing elastic scraps together.....


enjoying the fruit

Now Liam's enjoying the fruits of my labor, fresh off the needle!  And, yes, I totally cheated.  Pajama pants are so quick, but pajama tops... not so much.  Add a sweatshirt and call it a day.

new PJ's... Stat.

A good day.



P.S.  We're taking both our sillies to Disney next week courtesy of the in-laws.  Their first time!  I've got some things scheduled and will also post live if we manage to take any good photos.  Tomorrow's an 8-hour drive.  Wish us luck!