Stitched in Color

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Stashing Cuteness!

Oh the cuteness!

oh the Cuteness!

I don't generally stash "kid" prints, but this adorable hedgehog print by Michael Miller had me at first sight!  Ruth of Sew Love Fabrics made a lovely fabric stack of the Hedgehog collection paired with Michael Miller's "Big E" collection.  I love how these mix up together!  That "Erin" stripe would make a awesome binding!  Right now I'm thinking I could use these for Aria's bike bucket or to make a cover for her sewing machine (yes, she got one for Christmas!).  Hmm... we'll see what happens first!

I've also half-serious considered making a couch pillow out of this grouping, but I know Brandon would DIE if I put so much cuteness on our couch.  Cause those birdies are darn cute.  Now, do you all take such things into consideration or just go with the crazy-fabric-loving-madness of the moment? 

Oh, and that last fabric on the right is Marnie from the Poodle collection.  I've had my eye on it for awhile, but resisted buying it.  Now I need it for a baby rag quilt.  Really, there was NO other bright pink in my fabric stash.  How did that happen?

Weekends & Nicey Jane Fabrics

To prevent such frightening shortcomings, I added Lollies from Weekends (for more lilac) and Welcome Rode from Nicey Jane (for more stripes). 

Aaaah, that feels better. 

Actually, I've also noticed a lack of simple brown prints in my stash.  Which I need for....

so bright and happy.

a "brown and green" baby quilt that will also include the left 3 prints in this bright and happy range by designer Anne Kelle.  These cuts are from her Urban Zoologie and Remix collections.  I'm gonna have to keep my eye on ms. Kelle.  Don't you love the expressions on those little owls?!?!  Luckily, my friend loves them too.  But, you can imagine that I've gotta add a lot more brown and green prints to these in order to balance out their playful colors.  I'm working on my fabric stack...

Right now I feel so "stuck" sewing-wise.  I'm short on fabrics for both of the baby gift projects that are floating around in my mind.  I've got other project possibilities (bike buckets, Noodlehead clutches) on my mind, but I lack a few ingredients for each of those too. Harumph.  Obviously, there are a ZILLION things I could sew, but nothing feels just right, you know? 

Tonight I plan to finish that shower curtain.  I guess I'll hope for some inspiration for my "next" thing in the process.  I'll let you know!