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Getting Hooped

Dear Partner,

I am totally excited to be making something for your kitchen, as your secret partner in the Spicing Up the Kitchen Swap.  You said "hoops" and I said, "YES!"  Oh, goodie.

Problem is, I'm not sure where to start.  You may not obviously don't have room for me to go crazy making something like this...

sewing room decor update
by {Brooke} april two eighty

No, I think it'll have to be 2-3 modest hoops at most. And, hoops can be anything. Anything, anything at all! They can be lots of tiny patchwork. Imagine this as a hoop!

Vivaldi finished
by Lizzy House
They can be pictures made with fabric applique

Scrappy {Hoops} Swap
by Where the Orchids Grow

Or, embroidery, obviously. Or a combination too...

Really, I have no idea where to start! My brain is currently running in circles. Help!

Here is a mosaic of some of my favorite hoops dug up today in Flickrland.

Hoop Inspiration for the Spicing Up the Kitchen Swap

With these and the other ideas I've thrown at you all spinning around in your head, can you tell me what comes up tippity top on your list of hoopy love?

Bonus points for how many hoops would suit your space!

